Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sprite Stitch

Sprite Stitch is an online community for video game crafters. They post finished projects, patterns, techniques, and even have monthly challenges. It's amazing how the pixelated sprites translate to cross stitch so easily. Thanks to my friend Johnny for sending me the link. Speaking of links, this stunning cross stitch SNES Zelda map was made by user Servotron who claims it took four months to complete. The pattern is incredibly complex and involves 39 colors.

These are Marth and Ike from Fire Emblem by user Leesa. She claims, "It took me a few weeks to do, and it's about 50 colors."


C. L. DeMedeiros said...

Sensational work

I did some stitching last year with
a wearable piece the ties that bind
if you have time check it out
I bind 65 vintage ties.
(is in my blog naked inside and out of his mind) my other blog is about random pictures

I'll be following your work
is awesome

Rahul Desai said...

wizations! but cool, i must begrudgingly admit.

kittenmasks said...

That first one looks incredible!!!

haha @ Rahul